At Faithful Hands Homes we thrive on catering to the special needs of people diagnosed with mental health, mental retardation, mental illness and other developmental and behavioral health related issues. At Faithful Hands we are committed to providing a caring and compassionate environment for all we serve.
Do you or someone you know with these health conditions in need of housing? Contact us immediately and schedule a free intake.
We at Faithful Hands know that everyone deserves a second chance at life. We know how hard that may be to get into the swing of everyday life again. We are here to help those in need.
Contacts us for any questions you may have.
Our veteran housing provides residential care for Veterans. We work directly with the VA to ensure that our veterans are provided with quality life and safe housing upon returning home.
Are you a veteran or do you know a veteran in need of housing? Contact us immediately and schedule a free intake appointment.
We are here to provide housing for the elderly and seniors without any disabilities! Many seniors are elder, on fixed incomes, and in need of low-income and low-cost housing in a group home living environment. We are here to assist those in need! Seniors are our number one priority.
Do you know a senior citizen looking for low-cost housing? Contact us to schedule a free intake.
Sober Homes for those with addiction to alcohol and drug related problems. Our homes maintain a drug and alcohol free environment similar to all our other homes, but also come with mandatory AA classes as well as alcohol and drug counseling.
If you or someone you know in need of getting their life back on track? Click here now to contact us immediately and schedule a free intake.